Feel free to contact us for any reason. If you'd like to get notified about an out-of-stock item please use this form as well. Please include the Item Name, Color, and Size you'd like, and we'll get in touch with you when we've replenished our inventory. 

This form goes to our general email for all our stores. Thank you for your interest and business!

Sole Desire X Run Newport

493 Angell Street, Providence, RI 02906
Tel (401) 537-7550
Email: info@runnpt.com

Sun & Mon, 10am - 6:00pm
Tues - Thurs, 9:30am - 6:30pm
Fri & Sat, 9:30am - 7:00pm

Run Newport

16 Long Wharf Mall, Newport, RI 02840
Tel (401) 846-1036
Email: info@runnpt.com

Mon - Sun, 10am - 6:30pm

Sole Desire

131 Swinburne Row, Newport, RI 02840
Tel (401) 846-0067
Email: soledesireinfo@gmail.com

Mon - Sun, 10am - 6:30pm